

Safety is of capital importance to Vinci, so we depend on Nolinor Aviation to operate our flights.

The team at Nolinor is proactive in meeting standards and regulations. It is the first Canadian civil aviation company to have received full approval for its Safety Management System (SMS).

This system, which is now a Transport Canada requirement, detects risks before they cause a problem. To make sure that the SMS succeeds, Nolinor Aviation trains every member of its staff, from managers to technicians, on the system.

Nolinor Aviation offers personalized services and strives to exceed regulatory standards to maximize safety for its passengers and crewmembers. It invests in leading-edge technologies to stay at the head of the pack and exceed clients’ expectations. Here are a few examples of systems that Nolinor Aviation has put into place on all its flights.

LPV approach system

LPV means localizer performance with vertical guidance. This indicates that the landing approach is carried out with high-calibre instruments. This standard is not mandatory, but all Nolinor Aviation aircraft are outfitted with latest-generation GPS that give crews more accurate landing data. This system represents an investment of about $400,000 per aircraft.

ADS-B system

ADS-B, or automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast, is a technology providing air traffic controllers with aircraft location data via satellite when the craft is outside the control zone. The ADS-B system allows Nolinor Aviation to monitor our flights as if we were in a radar zone. It also encourages the use of preferred routes, helping to reduce fuel consumption.

Skytrac system

Real-time communication is indispensable for in-flight safety. That’s why Nolinor Aviation added to all its aircraft a Skytrac system for two-way communication all over the world via satellite. The Skytrac system not only keeps Nolinor in contact with their craft in real time but also shows the precise location of their planes during flight. Nolinor Aviation is currently working with Skytrac Systems Ltd. to integrate a module that will monitor around 150 additional flight parameters, such as fuel consumption and engine performance, to identify failures before they cause a problem.

Along with these many systems and pieces of equipment, the airline has added tools to ensure flight safety and reliability. Here are just a few.

Simulator and training

Nolinor Aviation’s pilots take rigorous training, which includes 24 specialized programs and 12 hours a year in a Learjet simulator. Their skills are assessed twice a year by Transport Canada, once in a simulator and once in flight. Learjet pilots also have to train in Montréal with instructors from CAE. This training reviews the theoretical and practical aspects of usual and emergency procedures that can occur on an aircraft in flight or on the ground. The instructors update the training with the most recent data available.

Type-A dispatching

Nolinor Aviation is one of the few specialized airlines to monitor flights at all times using a Type-A dispatching service. The flight data transmitted to the crews is validated by certified dispatchers following Transport Canada standards. This allows for real-time monitoring of flights no matter where they are in the world.


Transport Canada requires airlines to implement a Safety Management System (SMS) in order to manage risks optimally. With its SMS, Nolinor Aviation can detect safety risks before they cause any problems.


BARS (Basic Aviation Risk Standard) accreditation establishes an international safety standard. This accreditation, which is often used in the mining industry and humanitarian flights, requires meeting over 275 requirements. It has allowed Nolinor Aviation to attract a safety-conscious clientele.

Quality assurance

Regulations require a quality assurance officer to be present during aircraft maintenance. Given the many advantages of this system, Nolinor Aviation has a similar position within the company to verify the compliance of operational systems and validate quality assurance processes.


Every flight produces incredible amounts of data, so Nolinor Aviation created an FDS (flight data system) to transmit reliable information to crewmembers and to all their clients. Besides automatically communicating departure and arrival times, the FDS sends monthly reports that include performance indicators to all its clients.

These examples of investments show clearly our concern for high performance and an extraordinary level of safety. Nolinor Aviation is always ahead of the pack and is constantly developing new processes to maximize safe operations.

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Holder of a permit in Quebec.
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Charter flight under Nolinor Aviation operation

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