To meet all of our demands for air travel, sometimes a segment of flight is conducted without passengers …
This however is a golden opportunity for those who are looking for bargain. Indeed, Vinci offers discount seats on these flights for the return trip. These positioning flights generally have very popular destinations. You can enjoy the comfort of a private jet for the price of a bus seat.
This type of flight is not easy to predict, however, for this reason, the available seats are usually announced only a few days (or hours in advance). It is therefore an ideal mode of transport for aventuriez or bargain hunters who wish to return to their max displacement.
For this reason, we generally displaying it the availability of seats on our Twitter account and some social networks like Linked In. We invite you to follow us on these social networks to receive our last-minute proposal.
If you are not lucky nature and that our offers last minute travel does not meet your needs, then the best solution is to contact us for a customized proposal.
For more information, simply contact us.