Classy and Zen: Health and Wellness Retreat in a Vinci Private Jet

Classy and Zen: Health and Wellness Retreat in a Vinci Private Jet

With Vinci, transform your wellness getaway into a luxurious experience, far from the hustle and bustle of the big cities.

At these retreats, far from the frenzy of the city, you’ll find an oasis of tranquility, a place where luxury meets serenity, offering the perfect break to recharge and reconnect with yourself.

Here are four health and wellness retreats that Vinci recommends for the summer. Easily accessible by private jet, they offer a perfect blend of serenity and luxury.


Amangiri, Utah, USA:

Amangiri, nestled in the remote and breathtaking desert landscape of Canyon Point, Utah, offers an unparalleled retreat for luxury and wellness. This exquisite resort features opulent suites with private pools and panoramic views, providing an oasis of tranquility. Guests can indulge in comprehensive wellness programs, including yoga, Pilates, and guided hikes, all designed to rejuvenate the mind and body. With world-class spa treatments, personalized wellness consultations, and gourmet, health-focused cuisine, Amangiri ensures an extraordinary and transformative experience for those seeking the ultimate in relaxation and rejuvenation.


Canyon Ranch Lenox, Massachusetts, USA:

Canyon Ranch Lenox, nestled in the scenic Berkshires, offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Offering top-notch wellness services, revitalizing spa treatments, and a variety of physical and outdoor activities, Canyon Ranch Lenox is a true oasis for those seeking relaxation and tranquility. Its luxurious accommodations provide the perfect blend of comfort and elegance, ensuring a restful and enriching stay.


Pritikin Longevity Center, Floride, USA:

Pritikin Longevity Center, situated in the vibrant city of Miami, offers an unparalleled sanctuary for health and wellness. With comprehensive lifestyle programs, world-class medical consultations, and rejuvenating fitness and nutrition classes, Pritikin Longevity Center is a premier destination for those seeking to enhance their well-being. Its luxurious accommodations ensure a blend of comfort and sophistication, providing a serene environment to relax and recharge.


Lake Austin Spa Resort, Texas, USA:

Lake Austin Spa Resort, set along the picturesque shores of Lake Austin, provides a peaceful retreat from everyday life. This luxurious resort offers a variety of wellness programs, including invigorating fitness classes, yoga, and meditation sessions. Guests can indulge in award-winning spa treatments and savor gourmet, health-focused cuisine. The resort’s elegant accommodations, featuring stunning lake views and private gardens, create a perfect sanctuary for relaxation and renewal.


These retreats offer much more than a simple escape from daily routine; they represent a unique opportunity to revitalize, refocus and experience the ultimate in well-being and luxury.

Vinci, with its impeccable service and unrivaled comfort, only amplifies this experience, transforming each trip into an adventure as memorable as the destination itself.