Customers Vinci know that our services gives them a competitive advantage.
For those who do not have access these insider informations , we raise here in part the veil on the hidden secrets that make Vinci agency of choice for your business trips :
1 . Advisor on site : You can always find an advisor from Vinci on site at checkout to take care of your luggage and answer your questions. Our consultants speak your language, and involved from the development of your mission, they are best placed to understand your needs .
2 . Food to your liking : Forget homogeneous food on certain airlines, you deserve what’s best. Whatever your taste, budget or your religion, our catering service will be able to respond to your request . Our goal is to give top service!
3 . Contingencies : If you need to change your time of departure and return to the last minute due to an unexpected event , our advisors will take care of the needs quickly and without additional cost.
4 . Flight tracking : Vinci will give you the location of your team in real time, Vinci informs you about the hours of arrival and departure in every movement of your plane. You will receive all the data you need in real time .
5 . No surprise: The price listed on the submission that you approve will be the price paid for your trip. At Vinci , our proposals are simple and easy to understand. There are no hidden fees.
6 . Well-deserved reward : If your mission is a success, you ‘ll always be able to find a bottle of sparkling cleverly concealed in the cab of your plane. Success, it is worth celebrating and sharing !
007. Mission Accomplished : Although few dare to confess, all our guests feel a bit like a secret agents when they are using our services. They know that the success of their mission depends in part on a secret: the reliability of Vinci .
To discover the rest of the secret realted to Vinci no need to play the spy. Book now your next flight by clicking here (link to booking: ) and come experience all the secrets of our services for yourself !